Renowned artist Kaushiki Chakrabarty will perform in Rabindra Bharathi in the annual cultural program of JU Alumni Hyderabad.
Renowned artist Kaushiki Chakrabarty will perform in Rabindra Bharathi in the annual cultural program of JU Alumni Hyderabad.
Bijoya Sanmiloni this year was celebrated in the clubhouse of the Aparna cyber County with a gathering of dedicated JU Alumni members and a contributory dinner. The performance was amazing. It included dance, recital, songs by all the members and their children.
On 2nd June 2019 Rabindra Nazrul sandhya was celebrated by JU Alumni Association in Hotel Plaza of Begumpet. Poems and Songs of Rabindranath and Kazi Nazrul Islam were presented by the members. Also included was dance performance. Songs were presented by Barnali, Soma, Sushmita, Sriparna, Priyanka, …