
Jadavpur University Alumni Association Hyderabad Chapter


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Blog posts August 2020


বিজয়া ঘোষ

আজও আছে লেক,আছে তার সিঁড়ি, সিমেন্ট  বাঁধানো সাদা
সেখানে বসেছে তরুণ তরুণী প্রেমের বাঁধনে বাঁধা
আছে DSF, আছে SFI, ই…

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Rocky’s Magic Keys

Adrija Mitra

Once upon a time there was a boy named Rocky. His dream was to be a superhero. Everyday he looked for an opportunity to be a superhero but he never found it. Growing up he slowly started giving up on his dream. The dream fairy took pity on him and made a plan. That night in his dream…

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I Am ….

Protiksha Ukil

I am a volcano,
With soothing green grass growing all over my slopes,
Little huts lining my feet and sometimes snow complementing my head,
But look, look deep enough and you will find bubbling lava under that innocent looking crater,
Provoke me, and I will be the epitome of…

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Urbanization & Cultural History of Chandernagore

Dr Biswanath Bandyopadhyay

Urbanization is a normal phenomena of civilization. It is the process through which people from different areas agglomerate in a particular centre with certain facilities which are helpful for them to earn their livelihood mainly by non-agricultural activities. The comm…

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Improving Organizational Productivity through Improved Learning Transfer, Organizational Learning and Organizational Culture


The focus of my research is on the intangible factors that can improve organizational productivity by studying some of the factors that can affect the output elasticity of labor. It is seen from existing literature that two of the most important factors that impact productivit…

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Quackery and Crosspathy-Two Current Problems in Therapeutics

Madhab K. Chattopadhyay

Introduction All of us (barring the exception of a fortunate few) have to seek medical treatment of various health problems during different phases of life. So problems related to medical treatment impact us in various ways. This article deals with two major problems that …

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Freedom Movement – Heroism and Betrayals

Shantanu Dey

Tales of Heroism and Betrayals in Indian Freedom Movement

In this narrative we are trying to present some of the facets of Indian freedom movement in which individual as well as the collective heroism and betrayals shaped the dynamics of the overall movement especially in its late…

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The Ghost of Uma Villa

Sharmistha Dasgupta

My father’s ancestral home, Uma Villa, more popularly known as Uma Kutir in Bengali, was named after his grandfather Umacharan Sengupta, a native of Dhaka, in erstwhile East Bengal. Umacharan had shifted to North Bihar sometime in the early years of the last century for prof…

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8 blog posts